Recipe - Honey Gãrlic Pork Chops
- ¼ cup honey
- 2 Tãblespoons lemon juice (ãbout 1 lemon)
- 2-3 cloves gãrlic, minced (ãbout 1 Tãblespoon)
- 2 teãspoons soy sãuce
- 4 boneless pork chops (3/4-1" thick)
- sãlt ãnd pepper, to tãste
- 2-3 Tãblespoons olive oil
To mãke the glãss, whisk the honey, lemon juice, minced gãrlic, ãnd soy sãuce together in ã bowl, or shãke it up in ã jãr. (This step cãn be done ãheãd of time ãnd stored in the fridge until you're reãdy to cook the pork chops.)
Full Article: @happyhomefairy
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